D1013 Western Ranger
D1013 Western Ranger is a Class 52 Diesel Hydraulic locomotive, built at Swindon Works in 1962 and was introduced into express passenger and heavy freight service on British Railways, Western Region in December 1962.
The locomotive clocked up 1.32 million miles before its withdrawal in February 1977, one of the last members of the class to work on BR.
The locomotive gained considerable fame for a spell of time as BR’s preferred “rail-tour engine”.
D1013 has since been based on the Severn Valley Railway following a brief spell on the Torbay & Dartmouth Railway back in 1977 and 1978.

Prior to the current major overhaul, the locomotive’s last major overhaul was with British Rail at Swindon, over 45 years ago!
Built in Swindon 13th December 1962, the locomotive reached 60 years old in 2022!
The locomotive is owned by the Western Locomotive Association Ltd (WLA), a registered Charity and “Not for profit” organisation.
Further details on the history of D1013 (60 Glorious Years!) can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Major Overhaul Work
Over the last ten years, work has been carried out above the solebar level i.e. above the bogie wheelsets.
With so much work being carried out on the locomotive, consideration now has to be given to the bogies themselves, as it is a fact that the locomotive hasn’t been lifted for over 45 years!
Experience gained by the WLA, has indicated that D1013’s bogies will need to be thoroughly checked and cleaned with key parts replaced or overhauled if it is to gain a new lease of life for the next the next 40 years or so.
This work will make use of the extensive facilities at Kidderminster TMD in order to lift the locomotive off its bogies for an initial assessment, prior to cleaning, overhaul of key components, repair and assembly.
NB Details of a full bogie overhaul (for information) are included on this web site.
How is the bogie overall going to be undertaken?
The WLA has considerable experience with bogie work, and it may be necessary to outsource some work with specialist engineering companies to make sure that work can comply with safety standards, meeting the specifications that were in place, back in British Rail.
A process of adopting appropriate paperwork has already been undertaken, and the WLA now has a Technical Requirements Document for either a full or part overhaul, providing a specification for the overhaul of both bogies, depending on funds available.
The Techncial Requirments Document includes the strip down, shot blasting and repairs to the bogie frames, overhaul of the lateral dampers, new thrust pads, springs and overhaul of the final drives, and even the retyre of wheel sets.
So how much will a bogie overhaul likely to cost?
Following discussions with specialist contractors a full bogie overhaul fit for main line running has been estimated in the region of £756k for two complete bogie overhauls, including contingencies. Details of a full bogie overhaul are including on this web site, for information.
Realistically, the WLA can overhaul both bogies, fit for heritage use and for the main line (dead in tow, up to 60 mph) at a cost of just £40k by comparison!
Outstanding items to purchase during 2024 include:
- Torque reaction rubbers
- High tensile bolts for torque reaction arms
- Separation tubes for toque reaction arms
- Brake cylinder components
- Bushes
How will the bogie project be funded?
Clearly, this project is a massive undertaking for any volunteer group and therefore, in addition to volunteer “hands-on” help, the WLA will need to seek help from donations, of which an amazing £29k has already been raised, as at January 2024.
During February 2024, two large orders were place for major safety critical components – Pedestal Brackets and Spring Hangers, which will reduce the Bogie Fund appeal to approx. £2.3k.
So far, the funds have enabled the WLA to go a long way towards the eventual overhaul of the key essential parts of the bogies and you can be assured that any further donations to this project will be put to good use and very much appreciated.
In short, we’re looking to raise £8k during 2024 to help fund the remaining items required.
What will the benefits be?
A fully working locomotive with an extended operating life (by 40 years or so) that has had hundreds of hours of volunteer labour spent on it, able to return to work on the Severn Valley Railway (SVR), where the many thousands of people can enjoy the outstanding scenery throughout the 32-mile round trip length of the line, including the attractions of gala events and special events, plus the option of visiting other heritage railways and depot open days, throughout the UK.
Not only will the SVR benefit from a locomotive with a new lease of life but its operation will be fully sustainable in terms of its carbon footprint.
The WLA supports a carbon off-set plan by planting at least 62 trees per year within a Corporate Grove at Trees for Life, supporting wild forest revitalisation in the Highlands of Scotland.
Further details, including the option to plant trees can be seen by CLICKING HERE
Finally, not only will the locomotive be very much appreciated by the SVR travelling public and enthusiasts alike, but it will appeal to the WLA’s growing number of Vounteers who regularly help with the maintenance and upkeep of the locomotives.